Oh man, so happy another A.C.T release has become available to the world! And if you heard them before rest assured, the boys have delivered another fantastic slab of infectious rock with prog overtones. And should you not be familiar with the band, let me tell you a bit about them.
There are many things to like about the band. First and foremost is their sense of melody. Their songs always have catchy choruses with often big vocal harmonies that never tread on all too familiar ground. Second is the high level of musicianship within the band. So yes, they add instrumental workouts that will impress even the most skilled players amongst you. Time signature changes, solos and impossible breaks are all there. Next asset is that they are not afraid to add styles that are not so common in the genre. So here we have the track A Truly Gifted Man, that leans heavily into reggae territory. And it still works! The sound is top notch so no worries here either. And maybe the most important part is that all is packed within songs that are interesting, varied and clever yet stay attractive and all keeps getting better with each spin.
So here you go, I am a fan of the band and hope you go check them out too. This ought to be a no-brainer for anyone into (prog) rock!