I know you are surprised to see me write about this album. So let me explain a little. I not only bought this album because someone wanted me to teach them the chords of opening track Rolling In The Deep, but also because several members of my family like this. And when we are travelling together, it is always a good idea to have some albums at hand that more people are into.
So lately I have been hearing this quite a lot, and I must confess that I think it is really good! Surprised? You shouldn’t be, good music is good music, and supporting that is what this blog is all about.
Though young of age (you guess), Adele proves to be a woman with a powerful voice and sings with authenticity, feel and colour. Best tracks for me are the more up-tempo tracks like the already mentioned Rolling In The Deep, Rumour Has It, or Set Fire To The Rain. But also the slower tracks (sometimes with minimal arrangement) are very convincing.
I will be curious to find out how Adele will fare as she grows older and (normally) matures further. For now, this album is already very enjoyable, discover it for yourself…