It has been almost 2 years since I heard American Dog on an album. I described the previous one as the perfect soundtrack to an alcohol infused party on Saturday night. And I am quite sure the boys have played at numerous venues to prove the point. Because if this release makes anything clear, than it must be that they have upped their game in every department.
And while a lot of songs will have little problems to sit in any live setting (Dirty Fun, Carnivore, We Ain’t Gonna Not Get Drunk Tonight), some other ones somehow sound more mature and serious. It must be the playing and the production (I really like the drum sound on this one), but if possible, they have grown as a band and as musicians. Just check songs like Who’s She Killing, or longer tracks like Devil Inside or Sun Won’t Shine, for the great blues slide intro. I think in the long run this will be an album that also withstands some more focused listening, one you pick up every once in a while to revisit. And surely, at least in my book, that is a bonus! Go check ‘m out!