Somehow I guess that on account of their rather excellent 2013 release The Tide, The Thief and River’s End, Caligula’s Horse were signed by renowned label Inside Out. And rightly so! As far as I am aware, Bloom is the third release from this Aussie prog collective around guitar wizard Sam Vallen and the voice of Jim Grey. The band also consist of Zac Greensill – guitars, Dave Couper – bass and Geoff Irish – drums.
If you haven’t heard them yet, you are really missing out. For me this band is a prime example of how exiting prog can be. Their songs are melodic, dynamic and show a band whose members are masters of their instruments. But that surplus of technique is used to create interesting songs that nest themselves in your system. Especially the play with soft and loud impresses me every time I hear them. And Grey moves along to the music as if it is the most normal thing on the planet. Never afraid to throw you off with a turn left or right, Grey holds all that is happening together with his singing. All I can say is they easily continue the high level of the previous release, and should find a home with every lover of things prog. Awesome band and album!