Been a while since the previous Classic album post, so here comes another one. For some weird reason I was thinking of listening to this one and figured I might as well bring it to the fore while I am at it.
So, why Classic? Alas it is a one off (to my knowledge) and features the mighty Göran Edman on vocals. Another more known name is Imre Daun on drums. But main writers (together with Edman) are (the unknown to me) Dragan Tanaskovic on guitars and Atilla Szabo on keyboards. The band is completed by Joel Starander on bass. I labelled it as rock, but in reality is is a combination of Styx, Journey, Toto and maybe some Uriah Heep. So very melodic with catchy choruses. But also with enough musical depth (into prog territory) to avoid the all too obvious routines.
Opener Free Yourself focusses on the catchy (while the guitars are still present enough), but the title track that comes next proves my point. Very dynamic in arrangement with a hybrid of styles and still catchy as hell. Some may think that the USA holds the flame when it comes to this type of class, but these Swedes give a lot of those bands a run for their money. Knowing You is testament of that. Could easily imagine Signal (Mark Free) playing this…. Other fave tracks are In Chains, Part Time Lovers and Ray Of Sunshine.
So should you be without his one, I say put a search wizard on Ebay and try to lay your hands on it. Could prove difficult as label MTM is alas gone, but I promise it will be worth the effort!