Despite the Marillion reference through the artwork of Mark Wilkinson, this band sounds nothing like neo-prog. No, this is your typical progressive metal, with all it´s clever use of time signatures, guitar riffs, unison leads, overtones, solo´s and shredding, orchestrations, etcetera. Or is it?
To write this off as another Dream Theater clone does not do the band justice. I think they pride themselves in coming up with adventurous arrangements, adding out of the box influences, and even performing a song in their native tongue, Italian.
Like often is the case with Italian bands, the lead vocals take some time to get used to. They tend to overdo the drama (probably born and raised that way). But Davide Merletto does his job convincingly nonetheless.
I like the way they play with their influences. They do not shy away from clean rhythm guitars, acoustic parts or fusion like pieces. And the album still flows. Which is a major achievement in my book.
So a save buy for lovers of progressive metal, or for the adventurers who like to try something a little off centre.
Personal play tips: Perfect Smile, Cold Embrace, Horizons In A Box.