Because of their looks, some Hollywood actors play the same type of characters in films, a trick called typecasting. So when you apply that to the guys on the left picture, I am quite confident it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what comes blowing out of the speakers when this disk starts making its rounds in the player… Yep, that is hard rock with some glam and metal touches and a punk attitude. Say hi to L.A. Guns and Guns´n Roses and add Damn Dice to that eighties influenced rocking monster.
And when you start your debut EP with a song called Bang Your Head, there is little left to your imagination. And hey, it sure kicks ass! In fact, for a band that has only been together since 2011, the band play as tight as the proverbial duck. The voice of singer Alex might be a somewhat acquired taste, that has never stopped one Axl R. to become a mega star. If the six tracks on offer here are representative for the band´s live set, then I am quite sure they tear down the roof on every occasion. Everything just breathes rock ´n roll, the lyrics, the songs, the energy and the attitude. This is ass kicking fun so be on the lookout for these newbies!