By matter of coincidence (or is it?) singer Rob Rock is featured twice in a row. Here with Christian classic Heavy Metal band Fires Of Babylon. Lyrics and melodies by mister Rock, songs written by guitarist Lou St. Paul (check him out on Winters Bane´s Revividus CD).
First thing I have to get off my chest is that this album is another example on how extreme loudness and compression adding during mastering kills all dynamics. So this record is loud with a constant blow on the ears. I for one don´t understand what people like about that. Some dynamics is not only more realistic, but also a lot more user friendly…
Now let´s talk music here. The style is described in the first few sentences. And with these seasoned professionals, you are sure to get a good record. So in that respect, this is a safe buy for anyone into metal. I must point you all to the very intelligent bass playing of Kelly Conlon (ex Death), who really adds a nice dimension!
The Christian message is something a few people may not be looking for (but than again, others find Satanist lyrics appalling). I for one think the album is still enjoyable and not overly preaching.
Personal play tips: try the first few tracks, the rest of the album is of the same calibre.