Talk about strange… This album Alcoholocaust by Invisigoth goes beyond that. And yet, I am very attracted to it. Invisigoth are Cage who handles all instruments and Viggo Domino, who sings. His voice sometimes reminds me of Damian Wilson, but Viggo has more possibilities and colour.
This is progressive by the book. Challenging in ideas and arrangements, daring in composition and attitude. Still, I noticed myself hitting repeat time after time. Strange it may sound, but it awakens a hunger that keeps you coming back. Is that where the title comes from? After all, alcohol is one of the most addictive things on the planet…
Part of that will be due to the excellent melodies and their delivery. And all that creativity that went into arranging this will surely add. Nothing all too heavy, but still rocking here and there. Some tracks are very groovy, some almost seem to drown in synthesisers, but never get lost. The chorus of Ancient will haunt you for days. The mood of Talitha Cumi is touching. Poison Drip wakes you hard. And the cover on No Quarter is impressive. As is the album. Highly recommended for all you adventurers, and lovers of things progressive and melodic.