I love the internet! It makes the world so small and easy for people to find one another. Like in this case, where guitarist Hasan Koç contacted me about this release. When I saw the band name and it’s 4 members, I presumed the name was a wordplay on the French word for 4 (quattre), which phonetically sounds the same. But as it says in their biography, it is in fact an old Arabic word meaning drop. And it refers to the 4 members contributing to the ocean of life. Nice. Another aspect is that the members live in 4 different cities in 3 different countries. So they work and communicate online.
This album focuses on the concept of existence. The 8 songs are divided in 2 chapters (Existence and Existing) and are carried by applying the ebow to the electric and fretless guitars, thus sustaining the sound. And you really have to hear that sustain to believe it. It gives their sound (coming from guitars, along with bass and drums) an almost synthetic dimension, like keyboards do. Of course, throughout the songs you still hear the guitars and for those familiar with the ebow, that is also easy to recognise.
The result is a wonderful, sometimes dreamy album of so called post rock, with progressive elements. Instrumental, but I did not miss vocals for one second. A lot of thought has gone into the creation of these songs. The info sheet they sent me explains every one of them to great detail and makes for an interesting read. Still for me the most important part is the music and that I enjoyed very much. So much feel and passion. And their Eastern origins pop up here and there, adding even more colour.
A tasty and diverse album that sucks you in, awesome!