Legs Diamond have a long history, starting in the seventies, but the band remains active on and off. In 2005 they released this album, which is their twelfth studio album if I am not mistaking.
Releasing a string of albums through the 70’s and 80’s means the band are obviously firmly rooted in the rock sound of that era. And tracks like opener DonĀ“t Turn Away or Good Time clearly prove that. But other tracks show a more versatile approach. Time Will Never Change has some very nice keyboard touches, giving it a more progressive feel, albeit with a lot of AOR power. King Of Speed has a great riff that is underlined with a Hammond to give it even more drive. Trouble is again a firm rocker and following track This Time Around is a fantastic cross of AOR inspired rock with progressive overtones. The opening section is haunting and the song is one of the best on the record, together with the beautiful anthem Will You Remember Me. The rest of the album continues with this changing of styles and moods.
While the above descriptions may suggest that the album is rather patchy, listening to it does not feel that way. The band is way to competent to let things slip away. No, in fact, the changes feel like several faces of 1 monster and flow really well together. Convince yourself that this band is still relevant and pick it up.