Singer, songwriter and guitar player Steve Newman is a man worthy of some extra attention. And not only because he plays bass and keyboards too…
No the man is quite the busy bee and over the years has established a nice back catalogue and still manages to raise the bar while releasing albums.
So I hope anybody into quality melodic rock knows his name and owns at least one of his CD’s. To convince those who belong to the first category (the liking), but not the second (the owning), here some description to whet your appetite:
Melodic rock. Yep, in the vein of FM, Journey and cohorts. So nothing too heavy, but nicely balanced between keys and guitars. And without getting cheesy! Lots of catchy choruses delivered with passion. Massive backing vocals as they are mandatory. Guitar solo´s of all kinds. Flashy, simple, heartfelt, you want them, Newman delivers. And variety, I know you want that. It is there. And above all, Over time Newman has created an identifiable style. His singing resembles that of Robert Berry a bit.
So what are you waiting for, hit your favourite shop and start exploring!