18 January 2025

2 thoughts on “Phideaux, Snowtorch, 2011

  1. I agree 100% with your “oldfashioned but then, not at all”-describtion. Your checklist was hilarious. Gloomy, pretentious lyrics could have been another “check”… actually, this song kind of sums up prog music very well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cGH4sZIpr0 :-). And you might add: clever and iconic use of classical instruments like cello, violin, flute, and then an effing saxophone!
    Among the reference bands, however, I think you are missing one, very important band: Jethro Tull. Go listening to Thick as a Brick and A Passion Play, and you’ll find passages in Snowtorch that are, if not a complete ripoff, then definitely a tribute! A lot of Genesis, too, I think.
    A friend of mine made me listen to Number Seven and Doomsday Afternoon. At first I wasn’t very impressed – I could only hear the patchwork of numerous borrowed progstyles and got a bit irritated; they definitely knew their shit but I thought it lacked integrity. Then I heard Snowtorch, and I was completely convinced. I gave the other albums a second chance, and I really like them now. Still, Snowtorch rules – it has everything, and only one flaw: The keyboard solo in Snowtorch part 1 at 15.36 is waaaaay too short! But then, I forgive them when I hear what follows…

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