Ah, it was about time for another dose of Phil Vincent music. As site regulars will probably know I like this very much as I am a sucker for well played and written melodic hard rock. Especially as mister Vincent has the talent of adding not only his wonderful vocal harmonies, but also brings in a lot of good intentions and authenticity. And his skills on guitars, bass, keyboards ánd drums…. So even if we have a bunch of usual suspects again on board (Legion side kick Vince O´Regan soloing, just as long time friends David Zychek and Billy Roux) it is hard for me to not like this. Especially as time is not standing still and Phil keeps finding ways to surprise his crowd.
Like opener The Lost Self. Good message and completely a-capella so we can witness that vocal magic in full ehh colour. Or some more progressive overtones lurking in the longer tracks like We All Die Young or Divided. Or the more modern approach in Can´t Go Back. It never seizes to amaze me how this guy can write and record so many songs in a year, and still won´t compromise on impact. You just gotta love that. Well, I do anyway.
My edition has the 2012 digital release Solar Flare added as a bonus disk! More value for money and together another winner for the hardest working man in the business and all around great guy . Support him!