Reece Kronlund, Solid, 2011

Reece Kronlund - SolidSinger David Reece has been featured here before, both solo as with Bangalore Choir. Now he has teamed up with producer and guitarist Martin Kronlund. The pair are apparently not planning on leaving it at this, judging by the booklet text. Time will tell.
Together with known names as Andy Susemihl, Tommy Denander and several others, including my dear friend drummer Hans in ´t Zandt, they have recorded 10 tracks that will appeal to any serious rock addict. With so much experience involved, it is not a big surprise that this turned out really good. Well actually you don´t get guarantees on that, but you know what I mean.

First track My Angel Wears White is already testament of the fact they they are not out to leave anybody standing. Can easily compete with the best Bangalore Choir have released. Samurai is another winner, but here is no filler in sight. Another track I really like is Animals And Cannibals, up tempo, melodic and kick ass. Bonus points for the lyrics, often real feeling stories told here, instead of bubblegum ” I love you” in 100 variations.
My only complaint is the album length. With 10 tracks of 3 to 4 minutes, they leave us wanting more after just over 40 minutes. Really whets your appetite for more!


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