On to something completely different now. As you may have noticed following these pages, I have a pretty eclectic taste for music. So it may come to little surprise when I tell you this is a CD from a guy who recorded 11 tracks, just playing nylon wounded classical guitars. It was given to me by my father in law, as he knows I do not shy away from picking up new vibes (and play a little in this style as well)
And as I again think it is a brave and bold move to perform an entire CD by yourself, you still have to be able to convince your audience as well. Roger de Bree does that.
The songs are from writers like Luis Milan, Francesco da Milano, Scarlatti or Bach. For anyone into finger picking and stuff, this is a nice listen and an inspiration to pick up on your chops again.
Of course this is an album best enjoyed in a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Not for every day of the week maybe, but worthwhile for all those moments you want to chill.
Alas I canĀ“t tell you details about availability. When I receive more info on that, I will post it in the comments.
Just received word from Roger that people interested in buying this CD can contact hem via e-mail: rdebreeuk@yahoo.com.
I will also check with him about selling them via the rock company site.
If you are interested in buying this CD visit the Rock Company shop!