German musician Mat Sinner has his fingers and songs in a lot of bands. But Sinner the band is of course his own vehicle. And anyone with that much experience should be able to deliver the goods. And if Heavy Metal, German style, is your thing, than this is a band to check out. Vocally reminding me of country mates Rage, musically of numerous others. Melodic, plenty of hooks and riffs, and on this version even the obligatory Thin Lizzy cover (Baby Please Don´t Go). Other bonuses are 2 videos.
For me a solid release, yet a bit by the numbers. But in a genre where conforming to the style is almost holy, you could do worse I suppose. A lot of people will love this, for me it is a bit on the safe side. But it is enjoyable and fine music to party to. So, referring to the beginning of this post, Mat does deliver!