I must confess that I kinda missed out on these guys when they were active. A shame as it turns out! So far I have been able to find a few of their albums second hand, and those are a great testimony of what a quality band this was. And this one with the impossible title of L’Amour Qui Fait Boum is no exception to the rule.
The reason they did not reach the success they so rightly deserve might have been the eclectic taste at hand. Whether it is pop, rock, jazzy, fusion, funky or progressive, these guys pull it off with class and style. Formed around the core of Jaap Vennegoor on drums and Wouter Planteydt on vocals and guitar, Sjako! created some wonderful music.
Opening with a light footed On Every Corner really sets a nice mood. Next track Electricity continues that with ease. Great clean strat sound by the way. Track 4 Weeping is dedicated to Fripp (King Crimson) and is a powerful tribute, expertly performed. Track 6 The Gasp is in some respects a display of their instrumental abilities, with varied soloing. I must mention the drum sound as well. Very natural, done with taste!
I could go on, but I guess I made my point already, strongly recommended to all serious lovers of quality music. So no play tips, dig this one out!
As it turns out, Sjako! is again active and released the CD Lucky Spots in 2008. Check the site of Planteijdt: http://www.planteijdt.nl/index.php/sjako.html
Wouter sent me a mail to thank me, but also pointed out he sees the core consisting of Thijs Vermeulen (bassist) and himself, with Jaap being one of the 5 drummers through the years. Since 1998 Richard Heijerman is behind the drum kit.