When the band Songs Of Water contacted me if I would give their CD The Sea Has Spoken a listen, I gladly accepted. Not knowing what to expect as I did not know the band at all. But I am always up for a fine surprise.
Well, the music couldn´t be further away from my previous post, but I got very excited listening to this. A warning before hand: if you need your music to include loud guitars, drums and vocals (emphasis on loud), then it is okay to point your attention elsewhere. To all those still reading, and into music that combines elements of folk (Celtic), new age and world music, you have to check this out!
I was immediately captured by the beautiful music on this disk. For the most part it is instrumental, utilizing for instance hammered dulcimer, acoustic guitars, violin, cello, bass, drums, accordion, tuba, banjo and exotic percussion. The latter naturally responsible for the world element. Songs are very moody, with beautiful melodies played on a variety of instruments. Because of the drumming and percussion, sometimes the groove rules, but all done with great taste. I find myself being very impressed by this album and would like to compliment the eight players and various songwriters. And oh, the 2 vocal tracks Sycamore and Willow capture you as well, so no worries. Hauntingly beautiful.