As I have mentioned through my twitter account, updates on the blog have been extremely slow. This was due to the fact that I felt forced to switch host. As it turned out the performance problems that kept getting worse by the day, were due to the fact that the new owner of my ISP stopped updating the server and software. Thus creating an unstable environment for my blog to work under. Writing a new post was taking me a couple of hours instead of the usual time. Let alone the amounts of spam that were seeping through.
So after a lot of frustration I decided it was better to move on. And with the help of my new found ISP, the blog now has a new home and better tech specs than ever. Which I hope will make scrolling these pages even more fun / quick. Took a lot of time and money, so won’t mind if some of you hit that donate button on the top…
And now back to writing, have a lot of catching up to do!
Apologies to the artists waiting, hope you all understand.