One of the greatest benefits of the internet is that it makes this a small world. We can now get in contact with people from say, Brazil, and enjoy the music they make over there. Point in case is the band Still Living, here present with their second full length album Humanity. And where some folks dare to say that rock is dead, these guys prove that this is not the case at all.
The regular album has 10 tracks, and as a bonus 2 previous singles are added. I think it is fair to say that the roots of this album lay in the rock of the eighties. So we have plenty of keyboards, courtesy of Thiago Nascimento and all songs thrive on the vocal melodies of the talent that is Renato Costa. But in contradiction to the general sound of that time frame, we have a lot more natural sounding drums, and with great playing from Cleber Melo I might add. And especially a more modern guitar sound from mister Eduardo Holanda, who lets it rip whenever he can. Love his sur name of course 😉 All is held together by the flawless bass playing of Leandro Andrade.
So, all lovers of melodic (hard) rock, I can recommend giving this a couple of spins, it will not disappoint!
P.S. Originally an independent release, the band is now picked up by Rock Company for European distribution.