The second Stone Sour album to make it to my play list. And I must confess I am liking this a lot more than first release Come What(ever) May. In my opinion aggression ruled that album to the extent that melodies got a bit lost. Here the balance is far better, resulting in me having no problem at all listening to it back to back a couple of times.
Of course, with Slipknot members in the ranks that aggression thing seems logical. But I was actually surprised with this CD. Opening with a simple yet very attractive piano on the title track, the mood is set. Mission Statement is heavy and a punch in the stomach, but one of a good friend, so no one gets hurt. A track like Say You´ll Haunt Me is modern and maybe a bit Emo, but remains very catchy. There are still some screaming parts, but here they add to the song. The light and dark on Dying also works well. The acoustic and electric guitars really feed off each other well.
So like I said in the opening, a lot more balance and a CD I really enjoyed listening to. Great playing and melodies, with songs to match. Hope they keep up this level!