Being my usual late self to all the releases still waiting for me to review them, in case of Sylvan I do not mind hearing this a lot. The Germans have been featured here before and never disappoint. Their 10th release One To Zero is yet another concept album. This time dealing with an artificial intelligence, originally programmed to save the environment we humans so deliberately damaged. But once recognizing its superiority, it wonders… (Not going to reveal the whole lyrical concept here.)
Of course, no story will hold your attention if the music supporting it does not match. Well, no worries here as Sylvan deliver in spades. Wonderfully produced by Kalle Wallner and Yogi Lang (RPWL), the music goes through many different shapes, moods and forms. As it should be in progressive music. The melodies really suck you into the album. Just give Encoded At Heart, the powerful Trust In Yourself, or the absolutely stellar Worlds Apart (what a chorus!) a listen.
Mission accomplished!