How this passed me by at the time I do not know, but being a massive fan...
Despite being fairly late with talking about this release, I still want to write some words about...
Don’t know about you, but a cover like this always makes me think of very heavy metal...
For me, a band that plays progressive metal of the kind that grabs you on first listen,...
Recent years has seen quite some drama surrounding the Queensryche camp. Focussing more on legal fights then...
Jeff Cannata is back with another Arc Angel album! If life was fair, that would have been...
Lately I have been hearing lots of good things about Dynazty so I decided to give them...
While I am playing catch up with all the things Fish has released in the last decade...
Okay, back to plugging and it´s offspring Melodic Rock Records. This time it´s time to discuss...
Bass player Jan Holberg was a force unknown to me, Yet he must have a something to...
Tarja Turunen made a name for herself as the singer of Finnish metal outfit Nightwish. Her operatic...
And here we have another première. For me that is, as Skillet already have a bunch of...
Regular readers of this blog will certainly recognise me advocating the need to stretch musical boundaries. Just...
And back to instrumental music. That is, for the most part. Oneironaught are a quartet hailing from...