The last decade or so has been quite challenging for Toto I think. The band of brothers...
Due to postal problems I received this CD fairly late, but better late than never, right? And...
Still have a lot of catching up to do with all the Melodic Rock Records releases from...
An important rule in my book is listening to an album with an open mind and no...
Ah, the third Godsticks album! The previous outings found fertile ground in my home, so I was...
It is not often that I get sent a live album, so I rarely feature one. But...
To start with the bad news, this is alas only an EP with 4 songs. Still clocking...
Earlier this year I discussed the 2013 album Blood On The Face by Russian band Grenouer. Where...
Today more and more artists seem to prefer releasing single songs or an EP instead of a...
Another 2 years have passed, so it is time for the third Telergy album. As we expect...
Much to my amazement this turns out to be the seventh release by this Canadian musician. Alas...
Only recently I got in contact with Fred Grenot, and this is his second album. And something...
And here we have another somewhat lighter release! I was attracted by Bernie, which proves to be...
This has been playing a lot lately here at the office, and I must say, this is...