Terry Brock, Diamond Blue, 2010

terry brock - diamond blueWhat does it need to make a good melodic rock album? Well, one would be tempted to say: a good singer, and good catchy songs. Okay, and what does it take to make an excellent one? To me that would be: get Mike Slamer in to to handle production, play guitar and help out with the songwriting!
Because looking back on Slamer´s career (City Boy, Seventh Key, Steelhouse Lane, Streets, etc.) I notice a trend, I just plain like all he has done. Very much. So when one of the best voices in rock (that would be Terry Brock) reunites with him to deliver another album, we expect it to be killer. And ladies and gents: it is.

To me that is due to the fact that the two understand how to write catchy songs that fit the incrowd´s taste perfect. Yet are able to avoid the all too obvious routines and add some nice twists and turns to avoid predictability. Coupled with a massive million dollar sound and that just jawdropping guitar playing, you get a winner from start to finish. Brock sings like in the Strangeways days of old, and Slamer… man, he is good. His sound is astonishing, and is only topped by his playing.

So a very simple advice to anyone into the names mentioned or just passionate about melodic rock, this is an essential buy. And for those wanting to learn about quality music: this is a perfect way to get introduced to your new addiction….