This is the second time this Aussie band made it to the YMB desk. (see the 2015 one here) And the second time I am totally enjoying their output. As it turns out this is album #5 for the Melbourne rockers and fans of Cheap Trick, Stones, Kiss, AC/DC, etc. should not hesitate to listen in.
From super catchy opener Hollywood Riot, the energetic Outlaw, the grooving riffage of Lost And Lonely Dreams to the heavy rocking title track closing the album, the band deliver. Yes I know this will hardly win them an originality prize, but who cares if the songs and performances are this good? With more than 20 years under their belt, they are an experienced crew and it shows. Pretty sure there are millions of people out there that care more for quality rather than originality for that matter.
So little use to go into depths with this one, if you want music to entertain a party, with powerful riffs, lots of energy and melody, look no further.