The Wicked Mercy, Sundown, 2015

the wicked mercy - sundownIt took me a while to figure out whom singer Case Bakker reminded me of, but then it hit me, The Cult’s Ian Astbury has a similar voice type. And in some aspects, the music of both bands is comparable too. But on a whole I think The Wicked Mercy are more rooted in dirty rocking blues. A bit of the Southern kind. So that blesses this disk with groove and power. Nice combination!

The young guns are also not afraid to go a bit crazy either. After a blistering start with Tell Me Goodbye, they continue with instrumental track Wonderland. That takes balls, but something tells me that this bunch is willing and able to take risks.  The sound of the album is further proof I think. Fairly authentic and not overly compressed, the album breathes seventies. It is dynamic and some might take a few spins to get used to it, but I like it. It is done well, and highlights the playing from the 5 band members.
A lot of instant songs too, like Fading Fast and Everyone’s But Yours. Great riffs galore and it is impossible to withstand the beat. You will be tapping along before you know it.

So Bad Reputation has delivered again, and everyone who loves the trademarks discussed, should listen in.
