This is the debut from Dutch rockers Wigg. In the vinyl time it would have been an album, now it is a more oversized EP, with 8 songs clocking in at almost 37 minutes. The band is a trio, with Mr. Joe handling bass and vocals, Ray Vaughn playing drums and Dan The Man on guitar. Of course these are not their real names, but I do not want to spoil that, even if the reason behind this is not clear to me. Can hardly imagine they are afraid of groupies or stalkers…
Anyway, for people who like old fashioned hard rock, there are quite some things to enjoy on this silver platter. Singer Joe has a wide range and is not afraid to use it. I like his voice! And I am guessing Dan has his Marshall stack up to 10, creating a seventies sound that has enough meat in it to feed your neighbourhood 🙂 Nice drum sound too!
Best songs for me are Blue, Sparkling Glance, Glad To Be Back and the more modern sounding Behaviour Of Bullets. Not so sure about the guitar in Loving Doll, but that might be a matter of taste. Also for me the sound of the bass would benefit from a more transparent EQ-ing. But that is also subject to taste.
Overall a promising start and since they play live on a regular base, I have little doubt they will be able to grow and test drive their songs to take them to the next level. Looking forward to the next batch!